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Work alongside me!

Lauren Goding

The first week of this year has been very productive for my art practice. I'm feeling motivated to work in my studio, and most importantly, motivated to make work.

This past weekend I put together the rest of the rolling shelves and drawer units, and now all the furniture in my studio is on wheels. Just about everything is up off the ground and able to be moved around depending on what project I'm working on at the time.

Throughout all of this organization and reconfiguring, I've stopped and started again so I can actually make work with the materials that I'm moving from one place to another. I find myself wanting to make more than wanting to organize — which is a good thing!

I decided to film a bit of my making process.

It is slow and thoughtful,

practiced and honed.

The cut paper pieces were produced months ago when I was wanting to make work, but the space wasn't right and I was so busy with my day job that I was too tired to do anything too considered. So I cut and cut and cut the shapes, knowing that I'd use them somehow in the future.

The bamboo rods were a material find that I was really excited about. Again, I am a material collector, and seeing these made me want to make something with them. Several months later, here I am!

So grab something to work on alongside me, and let's make art together:

This form came to me while working in my studio a couple weeks back. I happened upon a video about the ancient Chinese book artform called dragon-scale binding. The movement of each leaf of paper, activated by the slightest bit of movement, was deeply imprinted on my mind.

I have worked on several large-scale art installations that included paper activated by air and movement, so visiting this again was like visiting a familiar art form friend.

I'll keep you updated on where this piece goes,

I'm excited to unveil its final form as well!

Until then, happy making!

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