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On Making Space

Lauren Goding

Making artwork is an intuitive process for me. It is a personal process, one where I let my mind wander, my fingers wander — sometimes together, often separate. I think through material and process, one mark, fold, or stroke inspiring what comes next. Physical space is needed. Mental space is needed. Through my many years of creating art, I my surroundings make a huge difference in my productivity and level of inspiration and attention. My work happens in a dedicated studio space outside of my living space. Outside the distractions of everyday life. This isn't to say that the space is distraction free though... Materials and tools of making fill the spaces that I work in, often spread out in piles. Creative chaos fuels me. Both mental and physical spaces require a certain level of dedication and attention. This focus ebbs and flows in response to the happenings of life. A few years back I had endless time to dedicate to making, but lower finances and a studio space (aka part of my bedroom) that just didn't work for me. Now I have a dedicated studio space and money to put towards it, but my time is filled with my day job. In my current role, I work with my hands all day, so this has become a part of what satisfies my need to create.

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