It's the end of the year, and after receiving a lower-than-expected bonus for 2022, my mind began spinning with money thoughts.
One of these thoughts landed on $100,000.
Earn $100,000 in 2023.
Now, this is a huge sum of money for me, and one that I have yet to come close to achieving so far in my life. With Oregon income tax being so high, my take-home pay is about half of what I want to earn. Now that is a huge hurdle. I am fairly sure I can make this goal if I look at my pre-tax salary, which I will also deem a success.
Hence my income tracker at the back of my 2023 planner.
See that green line below?
That, my friends, is my $100k line.
That is my goal.
Cheers to earning more money that you've ever made before!